Today is Taco Day!
4 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Taco Day
Happy Smile Day! Our cafeteria will be celebrating this with smile potatoes and stickers.
4 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Smile day!
Fall Break starts next week!
4 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Fall Break
We want to thank our custodians for everything they do. Happy Custodians Day!
4 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Custodian Day
Tonight's Parent University will be meeting in the Jr/Sr High Library.
4 months ago, Greg Kyle
ATTENDANCE TIP TUESDAY: Preparing for school the night 🌙 before means mornings are not as rushed! Plan ahead for 🥪 meals, pick out tomorrow’s 👕 clothes, and pack the backpack 🎒 before bed. All these steps help ensure your student is ready to face the school day. 🏫 Regular attendance is essential for students to gain the academic and social skills they need to thrive. That's why Alexandria Community Schools has been placing a renewed emphasis on the importance of attendance through #Class First. First Class. For the next several weeks, we will bring you attendance tips on Tuesdays in which school is in session. We look forward to sharing more helpful tips with our families!
4 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Attendance Tip 3
Fall Break is October 7-11
4 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Fall Break
Today is Chocolate Milk Day!
4 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Chocolate Milk Day
Good Evening! We wanted to once again invite you to our first Parent University of the 24-25 school year on Tuesday, October 1st starting at 5:00pm and again at 7:00pm. Dinner will be served at 6:00pm and all of this will take place in the cafeteria. We will be discussing how to utilize the Harmony Family Access and providing information on the new diploma. Please see the attachment for more information on how to register for the event and we look forward to having each of you here next Tuesday evening. All the Best, Greg Kyle Principal
4 months ago, Greg Kyle
Parent University - Harmony and Proposed Indiana Diploma
Tomorrow is Pancake Day!
5 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Pancake Day
ATTENDANCE TIP TUESDAY: Preparing for school the night 🌙 before means mornings are not as rushed! Plan ahead for 🥪 meals, pick out tomorrow’s 👕 clothes, and pack the backpack 🎒 before bed. All these steps help ensure your student is ready to face the school day. 🏫 Regular attendance is essential for students to gain the academic and social skills they need to thrive. That's why Alexandria Schools has been placing a renewed emphasis on the importance of attendance through .For the next several weeks, we will bring you attendance tips on Tuesdays in which school is in session. We look forward to sharing more helpful tips with our families! #Class.First.First.Class.
5 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Attendance tip
Apply for free and reduced meals in the front office, or you can apply at
5 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Free and reduced meals
We are hiring a paraprofessional at the elementary!
5 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
For those of you attending tonight's varsity football game at Mississinewa, here are some instructions pertaining to travel and tickets: Travel - north on SR9 to 38th street. Turn right on 38th Street and go to Garthwaite Road. This will bring them to the north side of the high school.  OR -I69 to SR 22. Come into town going west and take a right on North 10th Street, then left on North H Street. This will bring them to the parking lot entrance at North 3rd and North H Streets. Tickets It is recommended to purchase tickets online here:  All tickets are $7, whether they pay cash, buy online, or use a card. They are expecting a very high number of fans and don’t want anyone to have to wait in line, possibly missing the kickoff. Gates are scheduled to open at 6pm. Fight On and Go Tigers!
5 months ago, Greg Kyle
Something new and exciting is coming to Alexandria Community Schools! Be on the lookout for more information in the coming days….
5 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Come join us for the first Parent University of the year on October 1st at 5pm & 7pm (same content in both sessions) in the cafeteria. These sessions are for 7th and 8th Grade parents to learn more about using Harmony and the new proposed Indiana Diploma. And while you are here, plan on having dinner at 6pm. We hope to see all of our 7th and 8th grade parents at this event.
5 months ago, Greg Kyle
Parent University - Harmony and Proposed Indiana Diploma
ATTENDANCE TIP TUESDAY: Know the start and end times ⏰ for your student’s school! ✅ Regular attendance is essential for students to gain the academic and social skills they need to thrive. That's why Alex Schools has been renewing its emphasis on attendance. For the next several weeks, we will bring you attendance tips on Tuesdays in which school is in session. We look forward to sharing more helpful tips with our families! #ClassFirst. FirstClass.
5 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
There is a Tiger Food Pantry scheduled for today, Wednesday, September 11 at 4:00PM at the elementary school.
5 months ago, Scott Zent
food pantry
Our Homecoming Parade is this Sunday, September 8th at 6:00PM. Our route is a little different this year due to the Washington St. city work being done.
5 months ago, Alexandria Community School Corporation
Holiday Parade
Staff members taking part in Professional Development at AMJSHS today.
5 months ago, Greg Kyle
Professional Development for Stop the Bleed.
Harmony training for AMJSHS staff.
More Harmony Training for AMJSHS